Getting ready for College
The 11th Grade girls class is looking forward to moving towards the next phase of our academic life. Many of us are planning for our...

Missing You!!!!!!
I've made a couple of choices and felt like I was not ready. I prayed to God for a month straight to let my cousin up in heaven. I had no...

Thanksgiving Treats
Thanksgiving to me means a day to have fun with your family. It's a day to thank God for everything he has done for us. It is really a...

Wonderful Thanksgiving
I think Thanksgiving is a perfect time for family and friends to come together as one. To value their life because tomorrow is not...

My Thanksgiving break was awesome. I assisted in cooking many different items. I cooked cheesecake and other items. Everyone seemed to...

Father, where art thou?
Growing up without a father was hard and I am still processing this reality. Sometimes I feel that I never knew right from wrong when it...

Our Guest Speaker
Yesterday we had a speaker at our school- singer Jayson Clayborn. He came to talk to us about following your dreams and staying focused...

I'm Thankful during this season
My Thanksgiving break was boring, but it was nice. I don't mind working, but sometimes it gets boring. Work can be really slow. I did do...