Missing You!!!!!!

I've made a couple of choices and felt like I was not ready. I prayed to God for a month straight to let my cousin up in heaven. I had no tears left to cry. I've been through pain and sorrow. I never thought I would see the day that you would be laying in your grave. My grandma tried hard to keep the young boys in our family out of trouble, but all they did was put a lot of stress on the women. Grinding off the block and trying to make it out of the hood just to make sure his that his "fam" was always good. Whenever I hear my favorite song "Take me to the King" by Pamela Mann it reminds me of you. I look to my left and look to my right. You are not there. It really hurts my heart when you left. It seems all I have left is memories. Memories of you, but you are gone. I miss you. I love you.