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Should there be an increase in the minimum wage?

I think the minimum wage should be increased to 10 dollars an hour. Many jobs do not pay enough for individuals to take care of their families. For example, some waitresses only make about 4.50 per hour (tips included). Some waitresses also may have to share their tips with other waitresses. In cities like Seattle, Washington, they have increased their minimum wage up to 15 dollars per hour. People need more money because the cost of living is so high. If the minimum wage was raised, then more people would have jobs and there may even be less homelessness. People would also be able to buy more things. As a recent news article from Time stated, the deputy secretary of labor indicated how higher wages can lift up the lives of working class in America and how employees thrive when they are paid higher wages. According to the same article, since 1938, when minimum wage was first introduced at a rate of .25 cents an hour, the minimum wage has increased 22 times. The salary floor or the lowest possible rate that employers can pay employers. Some people can use the extra money for bills and other things. But if the minimum wage does increase, I know that the prices on various goods and services will also increase.

Golden Eagle Staff
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