Father, where art thou?
Growing up without a father was hard and I am still processing this reality. Sometimes I feel that I never knew right from wrong when it came to boys. I never had a father-daughter talk and I never knew anything a father was suppose talk to his daughter about. All the things that I know come from a woman's perspective or my big brother. I learned certain things from him because I've watched him do it to females, but no matter what, I will NEVER know all the information that I need to know about these young boys. I guess I have to keep living to learn. Although I don't really care about my pops, his absence really hurt. It really hurt to know that he was not here to see take my first foot steps. He was not here to take me to my first doctor's appointment. He was not here to send me off to my first day of school. He was not here to walk me across the stage at my 8th grade completion., even though he could have- he chose not to. I have never been to a father-daughter dance. That's all I ever wanted.