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Breaking Out of the Shell

Brianna was a quiet young girl who really did not have any friends because she was so shy to speak. She did not have much confidence. When school started once again and she's became a junior.

Briana always did all her work in class. She was very smart. People would call her a nerd because she knew how to do all her work with no help. People would always mess with her. She was not ugly or fat. People just thought she was weird by the way she dressed. It would mostly be the boys messing with her. The girls would just laugh at the jokes. One day it was a talent show and she made a song about her high school experience. She sung it in the talent show. No one knew she could sing and the song she wrote touched them. So everyone was nice to her and she had many friends and she came out of her shell and everyone loved and liked her.

Golden Eagle Staff
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