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Unknown Victim

She never thought she would see the day-- 6/30/2016. She met this guy they call KG and he showed her some things, told her some things and taught her some things, but she did not see much more in this guy. She loved this guy who made her smile. This guy who she thought was all hers, really was not, but would cheat on her. She did not see it coming. KG had sex in her car with another lady. Then he came home and laid with her, but he loved her. He did not know why he did it. He was "moving to fast, so she was sad". She stopped talking to him, but they slept together every night and it all felt different. She looked over his cheating. She missed her baby. She missed talking to him about everything, so she forgave him. She still tried to forget that they were were still good. He told her he loved her and told her it would never happen again, "I promise", he said. Well it happened again. Also, this time he went to jail. She was so mad. As soon as she heard the news, she started her car and crushed. As she was driving, she started to think - she wished she was dead. She met another guy and she gave the new guy KG's gun. KG came home angry. He used to hit her, but this time he hit her harder than before. He marked up her face. Her ribs were red and her face was purple. She no longer recognized herself. She was no longer the pretty girl. She felt ugly. Still to this day, she walks with her head down.She had a dream that KG was going to kill her. He raised his hand to strike her and she jumped up from her sleep. She no longer felt anything. She heard the name "Bixxx", which was her name! She cries alone because she does not want to be judged. She never thought he would stop loving for her. Well yesterday was the end!

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