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Our Young People are in Trouble!

The lives of young people are extremely important. They are the future. This generation is being very careless. They are killing each other everyday. Today you have to be extremely cautious and careful.

Life is something that you cherish. Life is very important. I try to do right and be obedient. Life is only worth something if you have a purpose. On the motherland, death is something that I fear. I feel that many others should too. Death is the end of life and you don't get to pick where you go. I feel that Heaven and Hell are real, but many people don't take it seriously.

The rate of young people dying in America is very high. In the age range of 10-24, about 57,000 people have been killed according to About 18,000 were traffic deaths, 18,000 were due to violence, and 21,000 were due to suicide. The rate of African American males between 15 and 34 comprised more than 150% of all deaths logged this year according to the About 1,134 African American male deaths were at the hands of law enforcement. According to the about 5% of white males are being killed. That is 10% less than African Americans.

Golden Eagle Staff
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