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My Trip to the Dells

Recently I traveled to Wisconsin Dells with my family. It was a bad trip because people that were in the car I was riding in started to argue. Finally, after the arguing stopped, everything seemed to be going well, but then one of the vehicles had a flat tire. So we had to call a tow truck because the tire that was flat had stripped screws and no one could get them off. So overall we wasted between three to six hours because the towing company that we called was far from our location. The towing company charged us sixty five dollars, but we got lucky because the owner of the company had a birthday and he only charged us thirty dollars. After the tire was fixed, we started to proceed to the Dells. It seemed like we arrived quickly after all of the waiting. Unfortunately, hours later the family members got into another argument. The arguments continued through Friday, so we really didn't get to do anything while we were there. But the next day everyone had fun for the rest of the trip. We went out to eat, to the clothing outlet and we also brought wrist bands that allowed us to visit other water parks

Golden Eagle Staff
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