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Upcoming Elections: Class Perspective

Recently, the senior Journalism class conducted a rather lively discussion about the upcoming presidential election and the furor being created on both sides of the aisle - Democratic and Republican sides respectively. Several students were extremely discouraged at the small minded and elementary back and forth- especially exhibited by Donald Trump.

Approximately 40% of the class agreed that the debates and media coverage therein have not been good for the country and does not reflect well on the direction to the country. Many students also agreed that the image that America has globally is less than positive and in some cases outright negative. Although, the majority of the class had political leanings towards the Democratic party, many students were not overly impressed by either candidate- Hilary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders. Of course, most students were even more despondent and less impressed by the remaining Republican contenders- Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kashich.

In a mock election during class, it was revealed that Hilary Clinton would beat Donald Trump in a head to head battle by approximately 90% to 10%. Many students expressed concern if Hilary Clinton (much less Donald Trump) would actually address the numerous issues faced in the urban community like quality education, safe/affordable housing, jobs, training, fair criminal justice system, college affordability and economic development/entrepreneurship training.

At the end of the day, many students are guardedly encouraged that the process is in motion, but have very strong concern about the future of the republic. Some students have reached voting age and have indicated their commitment to exercising their right to vote in the upcoming election. Most students said they intend to ensure their generation is properly and accurately represented in this election and hope for a brighter future.

Until next time, we encourage our fellow Millennials get out to vote and let their collective voice be heard strong.

Peace and May God bless America!

Golden Eagle Staff
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