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CSTEM Program

Yesterday, we had a great opportunity to take a Computer Science Technology Engineering Math (CSTEM) trip to the Wisconsin Expo. While there, we met Mayor Tom Barrett. We shook his hand and took pictures while discussing what CSTEM is about. We also had a talk with Dr. Calvin Mackie, who is actor Anthony Mackie’s brother (who played in such movies like Papa Doc and Notorious B.I.G). Dr. Calvin Mackie is an award-winning mentor, a critically acclaimed author, an internationally renowned motivational speaker and a successful entrepreneur. His message challenges the thinking of business people, government officials, educators and students. His content transcends issues of race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and political affiliation. Dr. Mackie is a compelling and inspirational speaker who brings his epic personal story, academic expertise, and incredible charisma to each of his award-winning presentations.

Students also participated in various activities located throughout the Expo, including a science presentation done by Dr. Discovero from Discovery World. Additionally, there were many colleges and trades schools there recruiting seniors that may have had an interest in attending college next year. The overall field trip was a success and students really enjoyed themselves.

CSTEM is a competion that involves Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Luckily, last year Holy Redeemer complex was asked to participate in a national CSTEM competition held in Detroit, Michigan. We are the only school in Wisconsin to participate in the competition. Another element of the CSTEM program at Holy Redeemer relates to visiting designated locations that focus on various CSTEM areas, One location that we visit regularly is the Milwaukee School Of Engineering (MSOE). Every week certain students from the elementary, middle and high school goes to MSOE to prepare for a competition which takes place in April. Staff at MSOE primarily helps students with the robotics portion of the competition. Students are split up into teams, then they create robots that can complete a special course. Additionally, students participate in various hands on projects which helps them learn more about Engineering and Technology. By the looks of it, students really enjoy themselves while at MSOE. They learn something new every visit. It gives them an advantage of knowing how to do things other students may never learn.

I really like the CSTEM program. It provides us with information and education that will prepare us for the future and open up a new world of opportunities that we may have never been exposed to previously.

Golden Eagle Staff
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