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UWM Experience (Let's Do Better!)

As students at a Christian school it is our job to set an example. But recently, I was concerned at certain behaviors exhibited at a recent field trip to UWM. Yesterday, February 3, 2016. Young Coggs and Holy Redeemer went to the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee for a field trip, but there were reports of some students taking food. It was reported that the authorities were called and certain individuals were caught on video tape. Some people said that teachers and others actually caught the students taking the food, but did not say anything. It was reported that UWM expressed serious concern and expressed their issues about such behavior.

As a Christian, I strongly encourage each and every student to live according to how God wants us to live. When we are in public and representing the School and more importantly, God; we should be worthy ambassadors and act accordingly!!!!!!

Golden Eagle Staff
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