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Light Chips in Your Skin?

There is this new trend that I feel quite leary about. It is not a conmplete surprise that this is somewhat popular seeing as kids are always looking for new trends to float around their peers. Typically, these trends are just fads that are here today and forgotten tomorrow. However there are some trends that are a little more permanent than others.

People are getting LED implants underneath their skin. It is a 15-minute procedure. This chip is about the size of a small coin, a silicone-coated Northstar V.1 chip illuminated with a ring of LED lights. It is said that this chip is designed to emulate bioluminescence which is also a natural phenomenon that occurs in animals such as butterlfies, fireflies, amd jellyfish. It requires surgery to implant the chip but many doctors are reluctant in doing the procedure. One might assume that this is a relief but people are so determined to partake in such a trend that it leads to dangerous self-surgery.

Many believe that the chip is actually used to record an individual's personal information and eventually control their movements as a scheme to control the masses. The Pittsburgh-based Grindhouse Wetware agruably states that the chip is simply used to do things such as illuminate tattoos and it claims to use "safe technology to create cyborgs (source: This is nothing new, however. Before LED light implants surfaced, people would implant the Circadia 1.0 computer chip-which is actually the size of a cigarette packet-into their bodies.

The LED chip is also able to connect wirelessly over bluetooth to any Android device, produce read outs of the temperature changes and send text messages. Scientists claim that it has found a way to inject people's eyes with "night vision". One volunteer was once injected with a liquid solution and says that he could spot people running among trees in dark conditions 100% of the time for several hours while those who weren't injected were successful in only a third of the cases.

This implant is extremely powerful and the start-up is currently working on a Northstar Version 2 which they say will include Bluetooth connectivity. There is no telling where AmeriKKKa is heading now.


Golden Eagle Staff
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