Christmas Spirit
As you may know Christmas is approching,what would you be doing December 25, 2015? Do you believe receiving gifts? What do you think of Christmas? Do you think of Santa or Jesus Christ?
Many may think Christmas is all about receiving presents, but their is much more to it. For example durning Chrismas my family gathers over my Grandmother's house. Everyone pitches in and brings various dishes over. My aunt brings the dessert and my Uncle brings the beverages. My favorite Chrismas movie to watch is Home Alone and I enjoy when all my favorite cousins come over. We always like to play board games, card games, and Kino.
People shouldn't forget the real reason for Christmas. We all know its about baby Jesus. Christmas shouldn't be one day of a month or just about giving gifts, it should be everyday in life showing people kindness, caring, loving, and being friendly with people. Most people take things for granted. Some people are less forunte because they don't have a home to go to food to put in their stomach, gifts to recieve nor give, people to hug, kiss or say merry christmas to.
To all my brothers and sisters through Christ havve a wonderful christmas and a happy newyear
Isiah 7:14 " Therefore the Lord
himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive, and bare a son and shall call his name Immanuel."