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Young/Coggs/Williams Boys Basketball Player Profiles

​The 2015/2016 Young Coggs Varsity Boys Basketball team has some great talent to offer this year coming off thier State winning season. Now let's take a look at our third great Young/Coggs/Williams basketball player to be profiled. He has a very unique life story and has provided very specific details of his life's journey.

O'Shay Maclin is a 16 yr. old small foward/power foward. He has a very unique life's story and a passion for the game of basketball. He is 6"2 and his birthday is on August 25th. He enjoys smiling no matter what the situation is or the time of day. He plays both Junior Varsity and Varsity. He works harder and harder each day to make sure his game is on point. He is ready to give his all everytime he steps on the floor. O'shay is a natural leader and doesn't mind criticism. He feels that his teammates play hard. They always believe in him. They always make sure he stays focused on and off the court. O'shay suffered a terrible loss at the age of 8. His mother Tiffany Maclin died from an anuerysm at the age of 29. O'shay felt lost, alone and sad. The person he loved the most was no longer there to guide him and protect him. There were no more hugs and kisses nor waking up to Christmas wishes. His mother and best friend were now gone. O'shay evenutally started to cope and use his loss as a gain and motavtion. He started to perservere and overcome many obstacles. He likes to think of his mother each time he steps on the basketball court. O'shay shared a message for young kids in this upcoming generation; he said "You should always be ready for anything. Life can be all good and then turn all bad. You can see someone today and they could be gone tomorrow. O'shay's foma; advice is to always, always be humble. Be thankful to the Lord who wakes you up and allows you to see another beautiful day. Use your head. Be smart and make smart decisions. You only have one life to live."

Please check out my recent encounter with the young phenom below:

Well this wraps up the story on this great student-athlete " Lets Goo Eagles!"

Stay tuned for more Profiles on Young/Coggs/Williams Student-Athletes.

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