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Young/Coggs/Williams Boys Basketball Player Profiles- Yoshari Brown

The 2015/2016 Young Coggs Varsity Boys Basketball team has some great talent to offer this year coming off thier state winning season. Now lets take a look at the second great Young/Coggs/Williams basketball player To be profiled:

Holy Redeemer's small foward Yoshari Brown comes off his state winning season last year and is currently playing harder his sophomore year to return to the throne of state champs. He is 16 yrs.old and his birthday is September 23. He is a strong minded young man who actually is living proof of a hard worker and a leader who leads in the class and on the court. I had the pleasure of talking to the young scholar and asked him a variety of questions. Here are a few of his responses:

~His favorite color is blue

~After playing basketball he loves to go home and do his homework first and afterwards play 2k

~His favorite movie is Love & Basketball

~His favorite food is Popeye's chicken

~He also had a influential message to all up coming basketball athletes and students in an all-around aspect, He said " Just work hard, stay focused and be the best that you can be no matter what the circumstances are. Set yourself goals and have a work ethic, be a leader and try and work harder then anybody."

Please check out my recent interview with the standout player below:

Well this wraps up the story on this great Student-Athlete " Lets Goo Eagles!"

Stay tune for more Profiles on Young/Coggs/Williams Student-Athletes.

Golden Eagle Staff
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