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New Life In the Family

My Aunt in Law is having a baby. My oldest Uncle Kevin Benson and his soon to be wife is having a baby. He already has two children. Two girls Anian age 12 and Itahlia age 7. My Aunt also has two children (a boy and a girl)- Brand age 8 and Imani age 3. This is their first child together. They are both very excited. My uncle is especially excited because this is his first boy. They are naming him Seven Sincer Benson. He is due to be born on April 10 but, might he come earlier. Also, this is my grandmonther's 24th grandchild.

My Uncle Kevin and my Aunt Simmon will be having a baby shower some time in February. We know Seven is going to be spoiled by both sides of the family. After their baby is here, they are going to have a big wedding. The wedding is going to be purple and white.

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