Menominee Culture and Food is Awesome

Posoh (Hello), my name is Martin Pitzl. I am a proud member of Menominee Nation. We have a beautiful culture and great food. For the people who don't know, Im talkin' about Fry Bread. On this beautiful day, I would like to tell you more about our cusine and culture. Native American food is my passion- spicy chilli, fry bread, Indian tacos, and wild rice especially. For those readers that don't know what Indian tacos are, it is delicous bread that's been fried, cut open and stuffed with meat, cheese, lettace, etc.
For those who are interested about making Fry Bread, I recently asked my big sister how to make it. This is what she said. You need:
4 cups of flower
2 tea spoons of baking powder,
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
2 cups of luke warm water
medium high heat pre heat oil
Knead the bread dough for 5-8 mins
and put a spot of oil on the counter
and pull peices from dough
and knead a little more with hands
Flatten out and put into pan n' fry untill golden brown.