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11 of 20 Life Skills not taught in School

As we Seniors move quickly towards the next phase of life, I've decided to write several Life Skills that are typically or traditionally not taught in School. Below are several skills that we may want to consider adding into the curriculum in the future.

“…our current academic curriculum doesn’t teach necessary aspects in succeeding and thriving in life in general…” (Source:


  • This generation is known as the silent generation unfortunately due to communication via mediums that do not require actual speaking such as texting, social media messages, emails, etc.

  • In order to learn the art of conversation, you have to actually communicate with others and exchange language on a diverse set of topics.


  • We have to think about making the right choices so we learn the difference between joy and regret, success and failure and so forth.

  • There is a YouTube video that explains logical fallacy known as self-referential incoherence

How to Handle Money

  • Students are being prepared for working environments but not necessarily how to handle their own finances.

Dating and Romantic Relationships

  • We need to know what to look for and what to avoid in a partner and also how to be one yourself

The Government

  • Schools don’t teach students how to apply legal documents to our day-to-day lives

How to Survive Without Certain Technology

  • Unfortunately, there are a number of students who do not know how to tell time on a modern analog clock

Home Repair

  • It is beneficial to know how to do home repairs yourself instead of paying plumbers, technicians, electricians, etc. in order to save money

Car Repair

  • Everyone has to know how to change the oil every 3,000 to 6,000 miles and how to maintain air pressure in and change tires, when to change the gas, etc.


  • Get a Visa or Master Card to use and not retail cards at department stores

  • Three major credit bureaus are Equifax, Transunion, and Experian

  • Having good credit will mean having lower or no interest rates when financing a car or house


  • Cooking at home can save money

  • When cooking at home, you can control the ingredients, dishes and portions commensurate with your appetite

The Bible

  • It does not make you religious if you learn what the Bible says as an education in history, literature, ethics, etc.

  • The Bible influenced the western culture and impacted the world

To read the other life skills go to:

Golden Eagle Staff
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