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ISIS: Who is this group?

Recently, I've been curious to know who and why the "terrorist" group ISIS exists. With global threats and actions by ISIS continue in several countries- including threats to the security of the United States, I've done some research and found out a few interesting details, as follows (some sources deny or say some of these details are questionable, but you decide based on your own research):

*ISIS started less than 4 years ago

*it was actually created by the USA to control Islam

*The USA also created Al Qaeda

*America is using ISIS in three ways: to attack its enemies in the Middle East, to serve as a pretext for

U.S. military intervention abroad, and at home to foment a manufactured domestic threat, used to justify

the unprecedented expansion of invasive domestic surveillance.

*Isis has been working with the US for some time now

*Some people say it came from the U.S military prison that’s in Iraq

I'll be following this story more closely and will keep an eye out on more details. Maybe more to come!

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